Marilyn Monroe's Estate Wants To Stop Marilyn Hologram
After Tupac Shakur performed at Coachella via hologram, the jokes started about an all-hologram line-up. But Digicon Media has been planning a hologram Marilyn Monroe concertand her estate is not happy!
The Marilyn Monroe Estate is threatening legal action against Digicon. Digicon says it has had the copyright to a "Virtual Marilyn" since 1996, while the Estate says it is "sole and exclusive holder of Marilyn Monroe's personality and identity rights and rights." The two parties are embroiled in a back-and-forth (making some lawyers very happy) where Digicon points out that Monroe's legal residence at the time of her death was in New York, where there are not generous publicity rights for celebrities, and the Estate questions Digicon's quality of work, calling the company's Marilyn a "crudely animated character."
For some "real" Marilyn Monroe, you can see the Forever Marilyn status in Palm Springs, where it's been more welcome than in Chicago. Or check out the special exhibit that's open at the Hollywood Museum.